Monday, October 31, 2011

xde mood...

mm...mlsnye nk bt keje.kene kire ape kebende ntah ni..dr pd hr tu try kire,tp xdpt2 jgk...nk bt keje laen yg melambak,mls plak...hish,ape nak jd la aku ni...
rs mcm nk keluar dan mengular je kat mane2...hehehehe.
agak2 kalo aku g mengular,ade x org cr? :p

Friday, October 14, 2011


boleh x kalo xphm dgn dr sdr?aku mmg xphm dgn dr aku.ape yg aku nak sbnrnye ni?aku dh xtau dh..sblm ni,bile jd mcm ni,aku bley je ok semule..mgkn akan amek ms 3,4 hr la skang ni,aku mcm makin teruk pulak..
aku pk jgk yg org mgkn xsuke dgn dr aku yg mcm susah jgk utk aku ubah..bile aku sedar ape yg aku buat tu slh,sume tu dh t;lmbt.kdg2 aku rs,aku yg menyebabkan org xmau kwn dgn aku..mslh aku,simpan sdr je la.kdg2,org laen pn kene jgk...ape la...
konon2 aku cube jauhkan diri dr Mr. Santa,tp last2,aku rs aku dh sakitkan ht die plk.mgkn sbnrnye die xpeduli pn ape yg aku aku la yg rs xbest...sangat!kalau sblm ni kitorg xbaek,xpela...ini,mcm sume pn tau yg kitorg baek..lgla jd xbest..
bt je la mcm biase..die bkn perasan pn kalo aku ade hati kat xtau dan layan je mcm biase..lgpn,die dh ade awek,kan..ape lg yg aku harapkan?mmm...sabar je ye..semoge minggu depan akan lebih baek dr minggu ni...

p/s:minggu ni terase sgt teruk disebabkan diri sendiri...huhuhu

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


tadi mcm bersemangat sgt,tp skang ni aku rs mcm sdh plak..aish..mnggu lps pn hr rabu aku rs sdh2,mnggu ni pn hr rb aku sdh...kenape ni?

pg td dgn b'smngtnye aku nak citer psl kes accident tb2 sdh plak..huhuhu
sgt2 la tdk b'smngt..owh...sape2 tlg aku.. :(

rindu kat nana...

Sunday, October 2, 2011

aku OK je...

aku ok je..

kite cume perlukan 3hari untuk mengadaptasi keadaan sekeliling kite.. - Bones

mcm tu jgk aku.dlm ms 3hr ni,aku mmg rs down gile xde mood,bengang,marah,sedih sume bile aku cube duk diam2,abaikan je sume bende2 merepek dlm kepale otak ni,aku rs aku ok je..xdela kritikal sgt pn keadaan ni.well,emosi je lebih..hehehehe

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Ape ni...?

mm...akhir2 ni aku mcm sensitif semcm je.xtau kenape...aku sdr pn xpasti kenape aku jd mcm ni.aku cube utk nafikan,tp makin aku cube,makin ntah pape ntah aku rase..
hr ni lgla xtentu arah.memikirkan yg Mr. Santa akan pegi dinner yg same dgn Cik F,aku jd ntah pape.tu la,sape suruh xnk pegi.seriously,aku hrp Mr. Santa suruh aku pegi.kalo die suruh jugak aku pegi,aku mmg akan,die x...n i'm a bit frustrated...huhuhu
ape sbnrnye yg aku hrp dr die?kitorg mmg xkn boleh jd pape,sampai bile2..die bkn kaum aku,die dh ade gf,die pn bknla suke kat aku pn..ape yg aku hrp ni?
menyimpan suke dlm hati,membuatkan aku jd utk menghindar pn aku sdr xmampu.mcm mn ni...?aku hrp aku boleh lenyap je trs dr hidup die..ataupn die yg lenyap dr hidup aku...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


hari ni aku memang dah jadi orang jahat!

jahat ke aku...?

mmm..aku rs,aku ni bknla baek sgt kenape bile aku bt jht,aku rs xbest?kalo rs mcm tu,sbb aku baek ke?kenape ade org yg bt jht,tp die xrs pape pn pade org laen?xrs bersalah langsung...kan best kalo aku ade hati yg mcm tu...yg rs best giler bile dh kenakan org..xmcm ape yg aku rs sekarang...
selalu sgt,setiap kali aku bt jht kat org,aku akan rs the end, aku gak yg rs bengang dkt org tu...mmm...mgkn Allah masih lg sayang pade aku.DIA nak aku sedar yg xbaek bt org mcm tu.kite ptt redha n sbr kdg2 rs mcm dr ni xbijak plak sbb dh byk kali terkena...dengan org yg same plak tu..(kalo org laen,msti diorg akan kate aku ni B****...kan?) tp aku xnk la mengaku aku ni mcm tu.

terkena sekali - naif
terkena berkali-kali - b****?


Monday, September 26, 2011

What's your mermaid name?


result image

You sit in the sun all day long just soaking up the sun. You also are vary social you can talk forever and ever and never run out of things to say to someone. some call you lazy you call your self creative!
the sea you live in Caribbean Sea

you were born:Cancer
your stone is:Emerald
your water animal is:sea turtle
your song is:Sunshine girl by britt nicole
your tail color is:red and yellow
your power:talk anyone into anything
your life will always be good while your in the ocean.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Mood swing...

mm..2 3 hr ni mood aku sng btl nk ok2 je,ade je org bt hal ckit,ptg dh swing mcm hape dh..
kdg2,nk phm dr sdr pn ssh,ape lg org laen nk phm..haish...
smlm lg la,pg mcm ok je ms tournament tu,msk 3rd game,aku dh mcm xboleh ke-4 trs mcm hampeh...
ptt ke aku slhkn org laen?sbnrnye aku pn xphm nape aku tb2 je rs xbest mcm aku tb2 je t'ingt kes dl."Sejarah mungkin berulang" kah?owh...katekan la tidak...

TIDAK kerana:

1. aku xde la suke kat Mr. Santa tu mcm aku suke kat Lelaki Kuching tu...
2. Mr. Santa tu pn xde la suke aku mcm Lelaki Kuching tu
3. aku xtau la Cik. F tu suke ke kat Mr. Santa atau x..

kdg2 pk aku ni suke susahkan kepale hotak dr xtau je dh smlm aku mmg dh spoilkan mood org laen jgk, blk tu, Mr. Santa byk kali tanye kenape aku mcm sdh je..dh smpi rumah pn die tny lg..kenape kene tny plak?????
perlu ke aku jauhkan diri dr Mr. Santa,dan buat biase2 je dgn Cik F?

Thursday, September 8, 2011

penyakit M dah datang menyerang...

hadoih...sejak naek raye ni,asal pukul 3 je,aku dh mls..asal pukul 3 je,aku dh xmau bt keje...hadoihla...cemane nk siap keje kalo cmni ni? ni aku dh la xpegi meeting..hahaha.sesuke hati je,kan?padahal bos suh pegi..sbnrnye mmg ade hati nk pegi jgk,tp bile pk akan blk lmbt,keje melambak lg xsiap,baju ntah pape ntah hr ni...terus xjd pegi..kalo la Santa tau,mesti die kate aku beralasan je...hihihihi
adusss...lg sejam br boleh blk..dh la smlm blk awal ni kene blk ngam2 la pulak..

p/s:padan muke aku...huhuhu

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What bug are you..?


Lampyridae is a family of insects in the beetle order Coleoptera. They are winged beetles, and commonly called fireflies or lightning bugsfor their conspicuous crepuscular use of bioluminescence to attract mates or prey. Fireflies produce a "cold light", with no infrared or ultravioletfrequencies. This chemically-produced light from the lower abdomen may be yellow, green, or pale-red, with wavelengths from 510 to 670 nanometers.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What Sea Creature are You...?

You are a Awesome Otter!

You like water a lot and your in the harbor on you boat all the time!

Scientific classification

The Otters are twelve species of semi-aquatic (or in one case aquatic) mammals which feed on fish and shellfish, and also other invertebrates,amphibians, birds and small mammals.

The otter subfamily Lutrinae forms part of the family Mustelidae, which also includes weasels, polecats, badgers, and wolverines.

Otters have long, slim bodies and relatively short limbs, with webbed paws. Most have sharp claws on their feet, and all except the sea otter have long muscular tails. The twelve species range in adult size from 0.7 to 1.8 metres (2 to 6 feet) in length and 5 to 45 kilograms (11 to 100 pounds) in weight.

They have a very soft, insulated underfur which is protected by an outer layer of long guard hair. This traps a layer of air, and keeps them dry and warm under water.

Many otters live in cold waters and have very high metabolic rates to help keep them warm. Eurasian otters must eat 15% of their body weight a day, and sea otters 20 to 25%, depending on the temperature. In water as warm as 10°C (50°F), an otter needs to catch 100 grams (3.5 oz) of fish per hour to survive. Most species hunt for three to five hours a day, and nursing mothers up to eight hours a day.

For most otters, fish is the staple of their diet. This is often supplemented by frogs, crayfish and crabs.[3] Some otters are expert at opening shellfish, and others will feed on available small mammals or birds. Prey-dependence leaves otters very vulnerable to prey depletion.

Otters are very active, chasing prey in the water or searching the beds of rivers, lakes or the seas. Most species live beside water, entering it mainly to hunt or travel, otherwise spending much of their time on land to avoid their fur becoming waterlogged. The sea otter does live in the sea for most of its life.

Otters are playful animals and appear to engage in various behaviors for sheer enjoyment. Different species vary in their social structure, with some being largely solitary, while others live in groups – in a few species these groups may be fairly large.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What bug are you?


Caterpillars are the larval form of a member of the order Lepidoptera (the insect order comprising butterflies and moths). They are mostly herbivorous in food habit, with some species being insectivorous. Caterpillars are voracious feeders and many of them are considered pests in agriculture. Many moth species are better known in their caterpillar stages because of the damage they cause to fruits and other agricultural produce.

The etymological origins of the word are from the early 16th century, from Middle English catirpel, catirpeller, probably an alteration of Old North French catepelose: cate, cat (from Latin cattus) + pelose, hairy (from Latin pilōsus).
